Taratibu at Oaklands:
Plot size- 1/8 acre (50 x 100) starting from Ksh 3.5M – Ksh 4.15M
Plot size- 1/4 acre (100 x 100) starting from Ksh 6.52M - Ksh 8.1M
Controlled development · Marram roads and beacons already in place.
Water and electricity nearby.
Deposit is 10%
Tatu City is a 5,000-acre, mixed-use development with homes, schools, offices, a shopping district, medical clinics, nature areas,
a sport & entertainment complex and manufacturing area for more than 150,000 residents and tens of thousands of day visitors.
Schools and businesses are already open at Tatu City, and a range of houses are under construction to suit all incomes.
Tatu City represents a new way of living and thinking for all Kenyans, creating a unique live, work and play environment that is free from traffic congestion and long-distance commuting.
Tatu City’s Special Economic Zone status provides reduced corporate taxes, customs and excise duty exemptions, VAT benefits, profit and capital repatriation at reduced rates,
as well as enhanced intellectual property rights, among other benefits.
(Source: Tatu city)